WARNING: VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. This article contains some images readers may find disturbing.

John Smythe:
Below is a transcript I typed up of the Cathy Newman 'interview' with Liz Lloyd, former Chief of Staff to the former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, done for Channel 4.The video runs to 8:11 and can still be found here: 

If you are wondering why I did not use a more flattering picture of Liz Lloyd then I'm sorry to say but I am not a miracle worker. 

If the video is taken down, for whatever reason, then you will still have this transcript. I print it below in its entirety and will then go through it and leave comments.
John Smythe:
Talk about a weak interview. It seems the only one who did any heavy lifting at Channel 4 that day was the poor make-up artist. There is definitely a Rita, Sue and Bob Too: The Later Years vibe from Liz. 

Let’s go through this transcript.
John Smythe:
They have done a lot. A lot of damage. What a legacy. 
John Smythe:
Ash Regan, who is never mentioned at all in this exchange, was the candidate who represented change not Kate Forbes. Kate Forbes should be judged by her actions in government and it does not come across well to me. In my opinion she would have changed nothing if she had won the leadership contest and the rot would have continued based on her previous history. She has never shown any courage at any time or stood up and been counted when it mattered unlike her colleague Ash Regan.
John Smythe:
Humsa is weak. Just check the image above. Being rather rudely shushed by the former First Minister. That picture is also interesting in another way in that it shows a clear double standard. If it was a man doing that with a female colleague of course we would never have heard the end of it. It would have been seen as inappropriate behaviour. Making a woman feel small and inferior. That their input was not valued. It would have probably led to an investigation featuring the likes of false testifier Judith Mackinnon etc. That reaction of course would not happen if it was a woman doing that to a man. Saying all that I do think Humsa is just a puppet. If he had anything to him at all he would have cleaned house when he became First Minister even if it was for purely selfish reasons to try and distance himself from what went before. He has not done that and if anything seems to want to continue with Sturgeon's 'legacy'.      
John Smythe:
It is not imposter syndrome. She is an imposter. For me Nicola Sturgeon is someone who pretends to be a sincere human being and fails at it. If I ever had any doubts about that sincerity they were removed during her evidence session for the Committee on the Scottish Government Handling of Harassment Complaints. Anyone that continued to support her after that performance is either bent or as thick as mince. It was a disgrace.  
John Smythe:
Ah yes Hilary ‘Warmonger’ Clinton. What a great role model she is. Who can ever forget the video where she laughed and cackled like a witch about the killing of Muammar Gaddafi? “We came, we saw, he died!” When you have someone like that as a role model it speaks volumes as to the kind of person Nicola Sturgeon really is.
John Smythe: 
I wonder if there were any other members of staff involved in this drinking session? After all a rather big deal was made about the other former First Minister drinking with staff and how it was inappropriate behaviour. That there was a power inbalance at play. Unless the FM was drinking with other leaders how could there not be an imbalance though? That would be true of all First Ministers/leaders who drink with staff. 
John Smythe:
A good sense of humour. I would suggest a rather sick sense of humour if you look at some of the absolute nuggets that she had in her government, many of which are still there under the new FM. People you wouldn’t trust to make a Pot Noodle without help. Then again it was all about people that would show unquestioning loyal to Nicola and her inner circle and nothing at all to do with competency or talent which of course none of them had. If they turned up to volunteer at a charity shop for free they would be sent home after half an hour and told never to come back for being utterly useless.
John Smythe:
The only person Nicola Sturgeon has ever cared about is Nicola Sturgeon. There never was any plan other than to line their pockets. Lining their own pockets and ruining just about everything they touched in the process. Damage that could take many many years to fix.
John Smythe:
More inappropriate behaviour with the bad language huh? If the relationship had totally broken down due to his TV show and they stopped speaking then why did she keep meeting with him during the complaints investigation? Officially she had nothing to do with that Procedure. So why keep meeting/phoning him if there was no working relationship with him either? That the FM was out of the loop on the complaints process is of course nonsense. You cannot claim to be ignorant of the process on the one hand whilst being able to provide updates, current legal positions and information such as the Permanent Secretary was going to write to Mr Salmond on the same day etc without having some knowledge of what was going on. It is absurd. You are either out of the loop and therefore can provide no information or you have knowledge about it and can provide information. It is another one of Nicola Sturgeon's false claims. That there was no malicious plot against Alex Salmond is another one. The secret meeting of 16 January 2018 between Ms A, Nicola Richards and Judith Mackinnon (that all three of them tried to conceal) is proof of a malicious plot. There are many more examples of this malicious plot provided in the SG's own documentation.
John Smythe:
The total nerve of this woman. Alex Salmond took the Scottish Government to court as a last resort having exhausted every possible avenue to avoid doing that very thing. I have been through the published evidence I know it as well as anyone and have demonstrated this time and time again. Mr Salmond via his lawyers tried to engage with the SG at every opportunity not as some online trolls would like you to believe in order to make the complaints go away but to establish that the SG Complaints Procedure was lawful as he had been given legal advice that it was not. His lawyers of course turned out to be correct. His meeting with the FM was about getting her to intervene as he believed it was an unlawful process. If it had been found to be lawful, which arbitration would have established by the way, he would have submitted 100% to the SG Complaints Procedure. It is there in the SG’s own documentation in black and white. The SG for some reason rejected the offer of arbitration even though it was in the interests of everyone to establish that the Procedure was lawful not just for those complaints but if the Procedure was to be used again in future. It was of course a one and done Procedure. A Get Alex Salmond Procedure you might say. It has now been changed. It is worth remembering that the Procedure used against Alex Salmond was found in court to be unlawful. His lawyers were correct and the Scottish Government lawyers were wrong. I wonder if the SG lawyers have ever actually gotten anything right? 

Don't just take my word for all this of course dear reader. Check the official documentation from the Scottish Government below in regards to Mr Salmond's reluctance to take the SG government to court and arbitration: 
John Smythe:
Cathy Newman it would seem was totally ignorant to all of the above during her 'interview'. She seems to have done very little preparation for it.
John Smythe:
She was certainly fired up for the Covid briefing where she questioned the findings of a jury and had a go at Alex Salmond.
John Smythe:
Read the above comments and try not to laugh. Nicola Sturgeon thinks we should be able to disagree civilly? Nicola Sturgeon thinks we should be able to debate issues? Absolute garbage that flies in the face of observed reality. Anyone that dared to take a different view on that was attacked. There was no civil debate as it wasn’t allowed. There was no exchange of ideas or differing of views allowed. If you were not with the SG on this you were a bigot or a transphobe. They were only interested in hearing from those who supported their views and ignored, tried to ridicule or attacked those who didn’t. Those in the SG made the debate toxic. 
John Smythe:
One of the most recognisable female leaders in the world. Really? Does anyone outside the UK even know who she is? I doubt Hilary Clinton even remembers meeting her.  
John Smythe:
With Nicola’s terrible memory she will certainly need help with writing it. It was remarkable to me how on the one hand she could remember very little and plead total ignorance on so many important matters and on the other she could state with certainty that things were ok and nothing was done maliciously. You can't have it both ways.
John Smythe:
Who exactly is we?
John Smythe:
Probably just as well as with the size of her Nicola would probably need a crowbar, or a really strong shoehorn (either of which would be claimed on expenses), in order to get Liz in and out of the car.
John Smythe:
Running government’s and bureaucracies very badly. Campaigning internationally on the issues she cares about? So, Nicola Sturgeon will be campaigning quite strongly internationally about Nicola Sturgeon then. 
John Smythe:
I’ll bet she is. Don’t call us we will call you.

John Smythe:
I am not a fan of Liz Lloyd but there are those who are. Big fans of her in fact. I will provide two examples below for you as I come to the end of this particular blog post.

First is John Somers. You remember John Somers don’t you readers? John Somers who is deputy director of Police Division in the SG. He is Liz Lloyd’s friend and someone who also gave false testimony under oath more than once and has never bothered to correct it. It was also recently revealed he attended the meeting between Chief Constable Iain Livingstone, Deputy Chief Constable Malcolm Graham and Keith Brown on 09 February 2023 as Annex A to FOI/202300353229 makes clear. See below:
John Smythe:
Below is from his LinkedIn page:
John Smythe: 
Channelling his inner Nicola Sturgeon looking slightly off to the distance look there. He still needs to work on his a bit more before he can be compared with the master of bad taste photos though. Who could ever forget the following: 
John Smythe:
What kind of human being would not only take pictures there but somehow manage to make it all about them in the process as well? You know what is worse than someone who doesn't care about other people? Someone who pretends that they care about other people.   

John Somers is no doubt a big fan of Nicola Sturgeon as well as Big Liz. She gave him his made up role in the SG after all. Imagine having someone who provided false testimony under oath, more than once, being given a job in the Scottish Government as a deputy director of Police Division? You couldn't make it up, although clearly that job title was. That's enough about Creepy Somers for now. Let's check out another big Ugly Betty fan.  

John Smythe:
Another big admirer of Liz Lloyd is Catriona Matheson pictured above. A former special adviser to Nicola Sturgeon no less. According to her LinkedIn, this parasite is now a director at a new company called LINCO Consultancy Ltd. I suggest people should keep an eye on this company and everything people like this and other special advisers or those connected to Nicola Sturgeon's government etc do for the rest of their lives. Everything they come into contact with will be the worse for it. 
John Smythe:
Her LinkedIn profile picture above shows her speaking at an event, doing her best Bruce Forsyth impression by the looks of it, from earlier this year which was held by the University of Stirling. It was called the SCOTTISH FESTIVAL OF POLITICAL COMMUNICATION. I could do a whole article about that and probably will. Interestingly, even though Catriona Matheson was at this event and gave a speech I could not find any reference to her listed in any of the promotional material for it. She gave some kind of dinner speech on 30 March 2023 as the tweet below highlights. 

John Smythe:
No recordings or transcripts exist of any of the speeches from this. If you go online and watch the Youtube video about this event you can catch glimpses of Catriona seated next to Rodger Evans, senior clerk at the Scottish Parliament. I wonder if they are good friends? 

The tweets below have Catriona praising her friend Liz: 
John Smythe:
There are also some other tweets from Catriona Matheson I found interesting.
John Smythe:
The above has Catriona retweeting a post from Liz that the Not Proven verdict should be looked at in Scottish courts.

And below is Catriona Matheson retweeting a post about Craig Murray who was subject to selective prosecution by COPFS despite having named nobody in his reporting. Something that some mainstream journalists were actually guilty of and yet absolutely nothing was done about that by those in COPFS. If the law only applies to certain people then it is worthless. It is those in COPFS who should be held in contempt.  
John Smythe:
Below is Catriona Mathieson retweeting David Clegg, of all people, mocking Alex Salmond and the Alba party.
John Smythe:
How times change. Below is pictures of Catriona with the former First Minister taken in the latter half of 2014. 
John Smythe:
Check out the following tweet below:

John Smythe:
There you have Catriona Matheson retweeting a tweet from the odious midget Libby Brooks regarding an article by Annie Brown of the Daily Record. You remember this article don't you dear reader? I did a blog post myself on it called Scraping the Barrel with Annie Brown some time ago. Libby Brooks refers to it as a pretty horrific account. It is Horrific. Horrific in the sense that anyone would ever be stupid enough to believe that what was written in the article actually happened. 
In this report it was revealed that the braindead/or lying husband of one of the false accusers, what an example they must set for their kids if they have any that is, told a group of total strangers that his wife was one of the complainers against Alex Salmond. As you do. Why would anyone support a story that was so obviously total nonsense? 


Summing up:
Liz Lloyd will struggle to have an easier ride than the one given to her by Cathy Newman for that interview. She may as well have just spoken straight to the camera and not bothered with an 'interviewer' at all. 

The Scottish Government sadly seems be infested with the likes of Lloyd, Somers and Matheson. Parasites of low virtue and value to others. You want the best and the brightest in government or failing that at the very least people who are competent and honest. Those three would meet neither of those two most basic of requirements.     


Published by John Smythe Investigations

Relentless. Thorough.


  1. These articles are important. They put on display the corruption, criminality and rank bad character of Nicola Sturgeon and her team. They also provide an insight into the types of character who continue to benefit from the system of patronage built up by Sturgeon during her years in power. A ‘little Britain’ template for Scotland. The boak inducing letter of resignation penned by Sturgeon to the English crown wasn’t required. She ran from office having been informed by our corrupt former top polis that he was stepping down and could not stop her from being arrested. Classic Sturgeon. A deeply corrupt human being who has set this nation back a decade and more. She had the opportunity to do good but had absolutely no intention carrying on the work of her predecessor. Her own image and her bank balance were all that was important to her. The country suffers.

    Between 2007 and 2014 I could see that things were beginning to change in Scotland. We were moving away from being a region of England in all but name having been dominated by the people, philosophy and societal groups who were invested in keeping it that way. Sturgeon came in and halted that and added a level of degeneracy to what had gone on before. Giving careers to hundreds, maybe even thousands of people who like her believe in nothing but themselves. They continue to infest the sewer that is ‘civic’ Scotland today.

    I was aware that Liz Lloyd had been interviewed but did not watch it. No chance was I watching that. I knew what this stinking individual was going to be allowed to say. Its a nice middle class club. The press are no more than functionaries for more powerful people. So thanks for watching it and thanks for putting this together for us John. It is an excellent article because it is the truth.

    There are too many people in positions of authority Scotland who do not give a fuck about Scotland or the people who live here. They despise us.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Kate Forbes took any vestigial credibility she had regards Independence, smothered it with a copy of the Daily Mail, burned it in a skip and dissolved the ashes in hydrofluoric acid.
    Forbes will attend the British American Project, Liverpool conference in November (while Holyrood in in session).
    I had previously considered the possibility of “agents” planted within the SNP (as opposed to “assets”) as far fetched.
    Events this week force me to conclude that Forbes was recruited as a mole while attending Cambridge University. The University of Cambridge is after-all a favourite venue for cultivating agents for the British Security Services.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. I’ve said something like this elsewhere but I think it is worth repreating:

    Alex Salmond is a superb communicator, unflappable in the face of aggressive bordering on abusive questioning, immovable in sticking by his principles and irresistible in relentlessly pursuing his goals.

    I never could understand why people thought, and still think, that Nicola Sturgeon is a great communicator. Unlike Alex Salmond she is prickly, overly-sensitive and arrogant.

    I once saw her during the lacklustre 2017 British General Election campaign when she arrived in the Marchmont area of Edinburgh for a photo opportunity at a cafe. She arrived very late with a face like thunder.

    It was then that I witnessed her transparency for the first time, as she switched from snarling scowl to sunshine smile in the blink of an eye as she encountered some poor unfortunate child and the cameras flashed. Before just as quickly switching back to Sullen Sturgeon. Overdue by around an hour, a 2 minute sup of an espresso and she was off.

    As a failed solicitor – – and now failed politician I suppose she has good reason to exhibit these unattractive characteristics.

    Worse she is as unsubstantial and shallow as your worst Blairite, and has provided the template for all the numb nuts at the top of the SNP in leadership positions today. Some ‘legacy’.

    Being (very) generous I would say that she learned nothing from her mentor.

    Telling the truth, however, I could simply refer to her as Nasty Nik the Narcissist.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “WARNING: VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. This article contains some images readers may find disturbing.”

    And that’s what she looks like on the outside. I’m pretty sure that once everything catches up with her she’ll make the aged Dorian Gray look like a new born babe.


  5. With respect to Catriona Matheson, former spin doctor to Alex Salmond and fellow helicopter passenger, I can’t imagine why she would be republishing on her own twitter account:

    a) Liz Lloyd’s tweet regarding Nicola Sturgeon’s comments in the London Evening Standard that it was time to ‘look at’ the Not Proven verdict in Scottish courts


    b) Libby Brook’s tweet of the “pretty horrific account of the impact of Alba’s campaign on one of Alex Salmond’s accusers, from the husband ”

    Seems strange.


  6. I agree LL is a handler & a C*NT. But JS, please do not got ‘personal’ on her looks and figure etc. It petty and irrelevant! She’s gloating how ‘WE managed Nicola’. Not exactly complimentary to Sturgeon either is it? Gradualist Sturgeon was happy to do anything that did not move her dead slow and stop Gradualist position. while keeping her in comfort & networking with those other C*NTS she a was a fangirl of! Some a born to lead, some are born to follow. Sturgeon was no leader!


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